The next ste
p of the Market Research is the design stage. The goal of this step is to know how you will be able to use you’re innovate design to create and develop your market research.
Marketing Research is broken down into five steps:
Each of these marketing research steps provides insight into how you can create your next research. Market Research is a Succession Must-Have, these will be a series of articles, to be able to provide a deep-dive about each step.
Let’s explore Step 2: Design the Research Study
When you are designing your research, you want to do these three key things:
Find the study that will best address the research question
The research question is an essential part of the design. The goal of addressing the research question will set the parameters for the rest of the research. The research question will assist in planning on what you will present as a final product.
Define the research audience
When creating your research, you want to make sure you have all decision-makers and stakeholders that will be pertinent for setting the objectives of the study. You want to make sure that every person agrees before you proceed with the research. No point in researching objectives that are not most important for the decision-makers and stakeholders. Gaining stakeholder alignment will be essential for the success of the project. You will also have the audience that you will need for the research.
A lifesaver way of setting goals for objectives is to do the following:
For example: Conduct a focus group among females age 18 – 30 to learn about their use of social media platforms as measured by which platforms they use and time being spent on social media platforms.
Develop your study instrument
You want to develop your instrument by using four essential items:
Format: That range from questionnaires, focus groups, interview, phone calls
Who: Who are you going to be conducting this research on
Construct: What is the main idea that you are trying to study. What is the main thing you want to learn from the research?
Operational Definition: What are going to be the main questions to the main idea of the research. Here you want to have your list of questions.
An excellent method when designing your research is to open up a PowerPoint (Links to an external site.) or Keynote (Links to an external site.) presentation and start adding slides and labeling the slides by what you want to present. Having your presentation open will allow for a visual aid of where you’re going and where you will be adding your quantitative data.
Learn about Step 1 of the process Identify a Research.